All new patients are requested to fill out the new patient application form as completely as possible.
Vibrant Life New Patient Form
Vibrant Life Pediatric New Patient Forms
Vibrant Life Pregnant Patient Forms **
** If pregnant, please fill out both the “Adult New Patient App” and the “History for Pregnant Patient” forms.
Step Two:
Review and Verify all Forms have been signed and create a list of all medications and supplementation you are taking for review by our doctor(s).
Step Three:
A one-on-one consultation with our doctor will bedone to discuss your health issues and goals, uncover the layers of past damage done and to help determine what may be the cause.
Review and Verify all Forms have been signed and create a list of all medications and supplementation you are taking for review by our doctor(s).
Step Three:
A one-on-one consultation with our doctor will be
Step Four:
A comprehensive chiropractic examination andevaluation including the tests necessary will be performed to further help determine the precise cause of your problem. Next, a short physical exam by the chiropractor will involve palpation, posture, orthopedic exams, or use of the hands, to determine the alignment of your spine and other musculoskeletal structures, as well as provide information on any stimuli that may cause pain. Very specific stress x-ray films may be taken to be able to pin point , measure, and determine the cause of you problems. When it comes to the importance, and crucial role of your spine and nervous system controlling your entire health, we do not guess on your health. To see is to know.
A comprehensive chiropractic examination and
Step Five:
The doctor will advise you if additional laboratory tests or x-rays are needed.
The doctor will advise you if additional laboratory tests or x-rays are needed.
Step Six:
If the doctor finds any damage in your spine , which is causing the problems that you know about or don’t’ know about, you will be asked to schedule a special follow-up appointment called the “Doctor’s Report” . At the Doctor’s Report, Dr. Thomas will be going over:
What’s causing your condition.
How it’s affecting your health right now.
What the initial requirements are for being accepted as a patient.
What the initial cost will be.
For those reasons, we suggest that your spouse or significant other, at the report to be involved in the decisions that you will need to make. After reviewing your case, the doctor will decide if you will be accepted as a patient and a thorough explanation of care recommendations and the action steps you need to take to obtain the results you desire.
If the doctor finds any damage in your spine
What’s causing your condition.
How it’s affecting your health right now.
What the initial requirements are for being accepted as a patient.
What the initial cost will be.
For those reasons, we suggest that your spouse or significant other, at the report to be involved in the decisions that you will need to make. After reviewing your case, the doctor will decide if you will be accepted as a patient and a thorough explanation of care recommendations and the action steps you need to take to obtain the results you desire.
Step Seven:
Once accepted as a patient, due to the specific requirements and conditions to correct your problem, you will initiate care and start on your path to reaching your God-given health potential! Congratulations on taking the first steps to
Your first visit & new patient paperwork needs.