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Looking for a Nutritional Plan That’s Juice Right?

By Tracy Thomas

As you know from my husband’s Feb. 22 blog,  we believe that dietary supplements are a great way to address deficiencies in the body.  Let’s face it, the modern American diet leaves a lot to be desired.  High in fat and low in fiber, what most Americans eat on a daily basis is at the root of many health issues.  The problem is that while most people recognize the fact that their current diet is lacking nutritionally, many are reluctant to alter their eating habits. But what if there was a way you could help balance the books nutritionally by taking a capsule or two every day?

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Eat Your Veggies

Most of us can remember our mom telling us to “Eat your veggies” when we were little.  Now that we are all grown up, we have nobody to remind us and as a result most of us eat far too little fruits and vegetables.   If you cringe at the thought of bellying up to the salad bar, I might have the solution you seek. 

Essential Oils – Something Old is New Again

By Tracy Thomas

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Mention essential oils to most people, and they’ll immediately assume that it’s associated with other new age therapies, like using magnets and healing crystals.  What you may not realize is that essential oils are not new.  In fact, they have been used for thousands of years among various cultures who realized their medicinal properties.  Just like modern medicines, essential oils exhibit a number of proven therapeutic properties, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. 

Since the time of the pyramid builders some 5,000 years ago, when the Egyptians used to create essential oils by soaking a variety of plants in oil before filtering the liquid through linen bags, these healing oils have been utilized as medicines, beauty aids, and cleaning products.  While the technology used to manufacture, essential oils has evolved over the past five millennia, their benefits remain the same.

Chiropractic for Moms

By Tracy Thomas

With Mother’s Day being right around the corner, I thought I would take a few minutes to talk about how chiropractic care can help moms deal with every aspect of their lives. Being a mother has its rewards, but it can also come with a healthy dose of mental and physical stress.  Everything from conception and pregnancy, to childbirth and raising a child brings with it a host of life-changing physical transformations that need to be dealt with in turn. This article is designed to cover those changes, as well as how chiropractic care can help mothers better deal with them.

It all Starts at Conception

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From the moment of conception, a mother-to-be begins a physical and emotional journey that will transform her body in many ways.  Being a mom can be hard on the body.  As the fetus grows, a woman gains weight.  This tends to throw everything from the spine and pelvis to the joints, muscles, and tendons out of whack. Once the spine becomes misaligned, it can also cause chronic pain, particularly in the third trimester.   Since a developing fetus shares its mother’s blood supply, this makes taking prescription painkillers problematic. 

A New Tool in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

By Tracy Thomas

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Breast Cancer – Just saying the term out loud makes women cringe with good reason.  More than 250,000 women are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.  More than 40,000 deaths were caused by breast cancer in 2015 alone.   With those sobering statistics in mind, it’s obvious that early detection is the best defense against this scourge. 

Breast cancer is caused by unregulated cell growth that most commonly presents as a small lump.  The good news is that not all lumps are cancerous.  Lumps that are painful, moveable and soft are usually benign, while those that are painless, hard and fixed are more likely to be cancerous.  Detection of a lump isn’t a reason to panic.  Most lumps are not caused by cancer.  Fluid filled cysts and non-cancerous tumors can form in the breasts.